quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011


The Portuguese stern trawler PRAIA DE SANTA CRUZ, imo 7385203/ 84,8m/ 2.382gt/ 15,5kn; 12/1974 completed by ENVC – Viana Shipyards, Viana do Castelo, for SNAPA – Sociedade Nacional dos Armadores da Pesca do Arrasto, Lisbon, which employed her together with the PRAIA DA COMENDA in the South Atlantic fishing grounds; 01/01/1984 MARCARLOS, Soporfil, Lisbon; 22/03/1989 PRAIA DE SANTA CRUZ, EPV - Empresa de Pesca de Viana, Viana do Castelo; 19__ PRAIA DE SANTA CRUZ, Pescaria Rio Novo do Príncipe (Grupo Silva Vieira), Aveiro; 10/2011 still in service. Sister ships: Elisabeth, João Alvares Fagundes, Luis Ferreira de Carvalho, Praia da Comenda.
Seen Leixões 70's just arrived as from South Africa fishing grounds.
Imagem: (c) Foto Mar, Leixões.
(Posted in SHIPS NOSTALGIA - 19/10/2011)
Rui Amaro

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